Thursday, July 31, 2008

Here Goes Nothing

I wonder sometimes where phrases like "here goes nothing" and "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" come from. They both seem relevant today as I hesitantly enter the blogosphere. If you read Pastor Adam's blogs this week, I want you to know Pastor Mike was not the only one dragging his feet in joining the bloghood here at First Assembly (he was just the most vocal).

So, today is the day I post my first blog and it also happens to be my 9th wedding anniversary. (I love you Debbie!) I'm sure I will enjoy blogging once I do it more (at least as much as being skinned alive and dipped in alcohol - just kidding). Hopefully we don't have to also get into artlogs, photoblogs, sketchblogs, vlogs, linklogs, tumblelogs and MP3blogs, not to mention political blogs, travel blogs, fashion blogs, education blogs, etc. I'll just take it slow and learn as I go. My music professor in college always said "if you stop growing you die". Learning to blog doesn't sound so bad compared to the alternative!

Just warning you all - the Olympics start on 8.8.08 and I am an olympics junkie. I'm sure my future blogs will include lessons learned from what happens in Beijing.

First blogging. What's next? Facebook?!?


Jodi said...

Great job! You should totally get a facebook!

Debbie said...

Honey you did great on your first blog. You were actually funny. You are going to be a great blogger (Is that a word?). And I love you too!!!!

Lori McElyea said...

See, you can blog, it's all good! Happy Anniversary and you and Deb go to and come join your facebook family. It's an awesome way to keep in touch!

MGlover said...

Lisa Z is responsible for finding you. Glad to do so. Good to discover all is going well for you. If this old man can get on facebook, certainly you can. You are asked about often.

Unknown said...

Hi Mark,
We all want you on Facebook...if we can do it, so can you!
Lisa (Brown) Scobey
RT '85-'87